[1] V. Izergina, “‘Belaia’ ideologiia v tvorchestve I. A. Il’ina shveitsarskogo perioda emigratsii,” Zhurnal Regionologiia, No. 85 (2013): 277–85, 278, https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/belaya-ideologiya-v-tvorchestve-i-a-ilina- shveytsarskogo-perioda-emigratsii.
[2] Anastasia Solovyeva, “Ivan Ilin and Russia Abroad, 1922–1938” (Master’s Thesis, Leiden University, 2020), 26. Solovyeva’s MA thesis, the only longer Ilyin biography available in English, largely regurgitates the revisionist takes of Ilyinʹs apologists, and is referenced here only for a lack of better academic sources.
[3] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[4] Originally founded in 1913 as German Society for the Study of Russia (Deutsche Gesellschaft zum Studium Russlands) and run de facto by Hoetzsch, it went almost defunct during WWI, but was reestablished as DGSO in 1918. See Gerd Voigt, “Otto Hoetzsch, Karl Stählin und die Gründung des Russischen Wissenschaftlichen Instituts,” in Karl Schlögel (ed.), Russische Emigration in Deutschland 1918 bis 1941 (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1995), 270.
[5] Karl Schlögel (ed.), Chronik russischen Lebens in Deutschland 1918–1941 (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1999), 84.
[6] Voigt, “Otto Hoetzsch, Karl Stählin,” 271–272.
[7] Hartmut Rüdiger Peter, “Ivan Ilʹin i fashizm,” Zhurnal'nyi klub Intelros “Al'ternativy,” No. 4 (2012), http://intelros.ru/readroom/alternativi/a4-2012/18240- ivan-ilin-i-fashizm.html.
[8] Voigt, “Otto Hoetzsch, Karl Stählin,” 274.
[9] Peter, “Russischer Wissenschaftler im nachrevolutionären Exil in Deutschland,” 49.
[10] S. I. Mikhalchenko and E.V. Tkachenko, “Russkii nauchnyi institut v Berline v memuarakh i perepiske russkoi emigratsii,” Vestnik BGU, 2017, No. 4 (34), https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/russkiy-nauchnyy-institut-v-berline-v-memuarah- i-perepiske-russkoy-emigratsii.
[11] Hartmut Rüdiger Peter, “Russischer Wissenschaftler im nachrevolutionären Exil in Deutschland: Das russische Wissenschaftliche Institut in Berlin und seine Auflösung nach er Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten,” in Mezhdunarodnyi dialog istorikov. Rossiia i Germaniia: Problemy mezhkul’turnogo vzaimodeistviia (1990– 2020)
(Lipetsk, 2019), 48.
[12] Schlögel (ed.), Chronik russischen Lebens, 161; Voigt, “Otto Hoetzsch, Karl Stählin,” 275.
[13] V. G. Makarov and V. S. Khristoforov, “K istorii vserossiiskogo komiteta pomoshchi golodaiushchim,” Novaya i Noveyshaya Istoriya, No. 3 (2006), http://vivovoco.astronet.ru/VV/JOURNAL/NEWHIST/POMGOL.HTM.
[14] Semyon L. Frank, Dukhovnye osnovy obshchestva (Moscow: Respublika, 1992), 116.
[15] Ilyin, Dnevnik, Pisma, Dokumenti, 210–211.
[16] Laura Sophie Ritter, Schreiben für die Weiße Sache: General Aleksej von Lampe als Chronist der russischen Emigration, 1920–1967 (Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2019), 263–264.
[17] Ilyin, Dnevnik, Pisma, Documenti, 123.
[18] Voigt, “Otto Hoetzsch, Karl Stählin,” 273.
[19] “A “financial committee” headed by the entrepreneur A. Buryshkin and the banker A. L. Forshteter took over the raising of funds and set up a donation account. Under the conditions of inflation, it was possible to raise the needed funds initially from foreign exchange donations from emigrated Russians and aid from the League of Nations. The “American Joint Distribution Committee” was also among the donors, which can be explained by the considerable number of Jewish students. ... The [German] Foreign Office contributed a total of about 630,000 Reichsmark (between 60,000 and 80,000 annually) until 1932 to help cover the growing gap in the Institute’s funding.” See Peter, “Russischer Wissenschaftler im nachrevolutionären Exil in Deutschland,” 48, 51. This corresponds with Gerd Voigt’s statement that the institute ultimately came to pass because of the “tremendous effort by Hoetzsch and his society, [and] last but not least with the financial help of the German government and the League of Nations, which for this purpose contributed 600 Swiss francs.” See Voigt, “Otto Hoetzsch, Karl Stählin,” 275.
[20] Schlögel, Chronik russischen Lebens, 136–137.
[21] Voigt, “Otto Hoetzsch, Karl Stählin,” 273.
[22] “Russkii nauchnyi institut v Berline,” Runivers, https://runivers.ru/philosophy/lib/docs/6791/439108/; Peter, “Ivan Ilʹin i fashizm.”
[23] “1923 God. 19 Fevralia Pervoye Zasedanie Uchenogo Soveta Russkogo Nauchnogo Instituta v Berline,” Runivers, July 26, 2012, https://runivers.ru/philosophy/chronograph/154874/.
[24] Matthew Lee Miller, The American YMCA and Russian Culture - The Preservation and Expansion of Orthodox Christianity, 1900–1940 (Lexington Books, 2013), 30.
[25] Schlögel (ed.), Chronik russischen Lebens, 136–137, 143, 144, 146, 159, 161, 202, 203, 235, 251, 273, 274, 275, 278.
[26] Schlögel (ed.), Chronik russischen Lebens, 136–137, 159, 235.
[27] W. H. G. Armytage, The Russian Influence on English Education (London: Routledge, 2018), 75.
[28] Christopher Stroop, “‘A Christian Solution to International Tension’: Nikolai Berdyaev, the American YMCA, and Russian Orthodox Influence on Western Christian Anti-Communism, c.1905–60,” Journal of Global History 13, No. 2 (2018), 192.
[29] Ivan Ilyin, Religioznyo smysl filosofii: tri rechi, 1914–1923 (Paris: YMCA-Press, 1924 or 1925).
[30] Nikita A. Struve, Bratstvo Sv. Sofii. Materialy i Dokumenty 1923–1939 (Moscow & Paris: Russkiy Put, 2000), 6, https://web.archive.org/web/20210517165723/http://ivashek.com/ru/texts/theology- texts/570-bratstvo-sv-sofii-materialy-i-dokumenty-1923-1939; Chrissy Stroop, “A Right-Wing International?,” Political Research Associates, February 16, 2016, https://politicalresearch.org/2016/02/16/russian-social-conservatism-the-u-s-based- wcf-the-global-culture-wars-in-historical-context.
[31] Ivan Ilyin, “Problema sovremennogo pravosoznaniia” (Berlin: Gesellschaft “Presse”, 1923), in Iurii Lisitsa (ed.), Ivan Ilyin, Stat'i. Lektsii. Vystupleniia. Retsenzii (1906–1954) (Moscow: Russkaia Kniga, 2001), 445 ff., 540–541.
[32] Ivan Ilyin, “Bolschewismus und der Krise des modernen Rechtsbewußtseins,” Archiv für Rechts- und Wirtschaftsphilosophie, Berlin-Grunewald, 1925–1926, Vol. XIX, 26–44.
[33] Ivan Ilyin, “Rechtsordnung und Rechtsbewußtsein im gegenwärtigen Rußland,” in Schriftenreihe “Auslandsstudien,” Vol 2: Rußland, Arbeitsausschuß zur Förderung des Auslandsstudium an der Albertus-Universität zu Königsberg i. Pr. (ed.) (Konigsberg i. Pr.: Gräfe und Unzer Verlag, 1926), 75–108.
[34] Swiss Federal Archives, “Iljin Iwan, 1883 (Dossiers),” Dokument 4 (Ivan Ilyin’s Curriculum Vitae from 1937), 25.
[35] “Pisʹmo Ilʹina I. A. [Gusserliu Edmundu],” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/pismo-ilina-i-a- gusserlyu-edmundu.
[36] Michael Kellogg, The Russian Roots of Nazism. White Émigrés and the making of National Socialism 1917–1945 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 13.
[37] Kellogg, The Russian Roots of Nazism, 209 ff.
[38] Alexandre Jevakhoff, Les Russes Blancs (Paris: Editions Tallandier, 2011), 387; Paul Robinson, The White Russian Army in Exile, 1920–1941 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002), 135. Krasnov had switched allegiance to the Germans during the Russian Civil War and ultimately ended up as a Nazi-collaborator, as head of the Main Directorate of Cossack Troops of the Imperial Ministry of the Eastern Occupied Territories.
[39] Petr N. Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoi Pravdy – samaia zagadochnaia organizatsiia Russkogo Zarubezh'ia (Moscow: Posev, 2013), 42.
[40] Karina Urbach, Go-Betweens for Hitler (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), 150 ff.
[41] Michael Sullivan, Fatal Passion: The Story of the Uncrowned Last Empress of Russia (New York: Random House, 1997), 353–354.
[42] V. I. Goldin, Oldaty na chuzhbine Russkii Obshche-Voinskii Soiuz, Rossiia i russkoe zarubezh'e V XX-XXI Vekakh (Russkii Obshche-Voinskii Soiuz, 2011),
46, http://militera.lib.ru/research/goldin_vi01/index.html.
[43] Kellogg, The Russian Roots of Nazism, 248.
[44] Kellogg, The Russian Roots of Nazism, 249.
[45] Solovyeva, “Ivan Ilin and Russia Abroad,” 36.
[46] “Russkii Obshche-Voinskii Soiuz Papers,” Finding Aid, 3, Collection of Correspondence and Manuscript Documents, Columbia University, http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/inside/projects/findingaids/scans/pdfs/ldpd_ bak_4078323.pdf.
[47] Columbia University, “Russkii Obshche-Voinskii Soiuz (ROVS) Papers,” 3; “Russian Emigrant Organizations,” CIA Report, Central Intelligence Agency, March 29, 1950, 4, https://archive.org/details/CIA-RDP82-00457R004400040003-3.
[48] Solovyeva, “Ivan Ilin and Russia Abroad,” 38.
[49] Central Intelligence Agency, “Russian Emigrant Organizations,” 7.
[50] Stephen Dorril, MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty’s Secret Intelligence Service (New York: Free Press, 2000), 406.
[51] Central Intelligence Agency, “Russian Emigrant Organizations,” 7. A nucleus of the Inner Line had existed since 1924, the year Kutepov became head of the Intelligence Department of the ROVS, however, it was not until 1927 that it became fully operational. See Iurii Lisitsa (ed.), Ivan Ilyin, Osnovnoe nravstvennoe protivorechie voiny. O soprotivlenii zlu siloiu (Moscow: Russkaia Kniga, 1996), 585.
[52] Statʹya ‘O nashem politicheskom like’ (‘Vestnik Gallipoliitsev’) [1924],” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/i- a-ilin-statya-o-nashem-politicheskom-like-vestnik-gallipoliycev; Ivan Ilyin, Rodina i my (Belgrade: Izd. Obshchestva Gallipoliitsev, 1926); Ivan Ilyin, “Nam nado gotovit’sia,” Gallipoliets, Belgrade, Issue 1, November 9, 1927, 1.
[53] Ilyin, Dnevnik, Pisma, Dokumenti, 115 ff.; “Register of the Petr Berngardovich Struve Papers, 1890–1982,” Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf087000gp.
[54] L. Guryev, “Likvidatsiia Zagovora Natsional’nogo Tsentra,” Voenno-istoricheskiy zhurnal, Issue 3 (1939), https://web.archive.org/web/20220108124024/http://communist- ml.ru/archives/6688.
[55] W. Bruce Lincoln, Red Victory: A History of the Russian Civil War, 1918–1921 (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989), 426.
[56] Pipes, Struve: Liberal on the Right, 464.
[57] Aleksandr Prokhorov (ed.), Great Soviet Encyclopedia, Volume 30 (New York: Macmillan, 1973), 209.
[58] Vladimir Burega, “ ‘Prazhskii period’ zhizni protoiereia Sergiia Bulgakova (1923– 1925),” Pravoslavie, May 26, 2004, http://www.pravoslavie.ru/5240.html.
[59] Ivan Ilyin, “Dukhovnaia kulʹtura i ee natsionalʹnye vozhdi. Pamiati kniazia Evgeniia Nikolaevicha Trubetskogo,” Russkaia mysl’, Issue 1, Prague, Paris, 1923, 262–274; Ivan Ilyin, “Pamiati I. Novgorodtseva,” Russkaia mysl’, Issues 9–12, 1923– 1924, 369–374; Ivan Ilyin, “Gosudarstvennyi smysl Beloi Armii,” Russkaia mysl', Issues 9–12, 1923–1924, 230–245.
[60] From 1925 to 1935 Vozrozhdenie was published daily, from 1936 to 1940 weekly. Most issues published between 1925 and 1939 are available online at the Princeton University Library, https://historicperiodicals.princeton.edu/historic/?a=cl&cl=CL1&sp=vozrozhdenie.
[61] Published in Vozrozhdenie No. 130, October 10, 1925; No. 194, December 13, 1925; No. 201, December 20, 1925; No. 222, January 10, 1926; No. 229, January 17, 1926; No. 276, March 5, 1926; No. 279, March 8, 1926; No. 287, March 16, 1926; No. 375, July 12, 1926.
[62] Modest Kolerov, “Kak i zachem Ivan Il’in iskal soiuza s evraziitsami v 1923-1925 godakh,” Regnum, May 18, 2020, https://regnum.ru/article/2952518.html.
[63] Kolerov, “Kak i zachem Ivan Il’in iskal soiuza.”
[64] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[65] Iurii Lisitsa (ed.), Ivan Ilyin, Osnovnoe nravstvennoe protivorechie voiny. O soprotivlenii zlu siloiu (Moscow: Russkaia Kniga, 1996), 483.
[66] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[67] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin,” quoting Piotr Struve, “Muzhestvennaia rech’ russkogo myslitelia,” Vozrozhdenie, No. 572, Paris, December 26, 1926, 1.
[68] Ivan Ilyin, O soprotivlenii zlu siloiu (Berlin: Gesellschaft “Presse,” 1925).
[69] “Grad Kitezh was a joint-stock company headed by the director - the commander- in-chief of the Don Army, Lieutenant General of the General Staff, Svyatoslav Varlamovich Denisov (1898–1957). In 1923, he left for America and there became the chairman of the Cossack Union in the USA. The second director of Grad Kitezh was General Vladimir Vasilyevich Domozhirov.” N. Bazanov, “Izdatel’stva Gertsoga G. N. Leikhtenbergskogo ‘Grad Kitezh’ i ‘Detinets,” Vestnik 20, No. 3 (September 2014): 72–78, 72.
[70] Bazanov, “Izdatel’stva Gertsoga G. N. Leikhtenbergskogo,” 73.
[71] Bazanov, “Izdatel’stva Gertsoga G. N. Leikhtenbergskogo,” 72.
[72] Bazanov, “Izdatel’stva Gertsoga G. N. Leikhtenbergskogo,” 72.
[73] Bazanov, “Izdatel’stva Gertsoga G. N. Leikhtenbergskogo,” 72.
[74] “Ofitsialʹnye pis’ma ot raznykh inostrannykh uchrezhdenii i organizatsiy Ilʹinu I. A.,” 3, Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/oficialnye-pisma-ot- raznyh-inostrannyh-uchrezhdeniy-i-organizaciy-ilinu-i-a; Adolf Hitler and Ewald von Massow, “Commemoration of the 15th anniversary of the Führers first appearance in the club” (Nationaler Klub, 1937), https://lccn.loc.gov/2005575163.
[75] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnyye Pisʹma,” 5.
[76] “I.A. Ilʹin. Rechʹ Na Mitinge ‘Deutsch-Nationale-Volkspartei Wilmwesdorf-Berlin’ (‘Germanskoy Natsionalʹnoy Partii Vilʹmersdorf-Berlin’),” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/i-a-ilin-rech-na-mitinge- deutsch-nationale-volkspartei-wilmwesdorf-berlin-germanskoy-nacionalnoy- partii-vilmersdorf-berlin.
[77] David Jablonsky, The Nazi Party in Dissolution: Hitler and the Verbotzeit, 1923–1925 (London & New York: Routledge, 2013). (electronic version)
[78] Schlögel (ed.), Chronik russischen Lebens, 288.
[79] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnyye pis’ma,” 14.
[80] Schlögel (ed.), Chronik russischen Lebens, 274.
[81] Pipes, Struve: Liberal on the Right, 382; M. A. Kotenko and I. A. Domnin (eds.), Rossiiskii zarubezhnyi sʺezd, 1926, Parizh: dokumenty i materialy (Moscow: Russkii put’, 2006), 9.
[82] Pipes, Struve: Liberal on the Right, 381.
[83] Schlögel (ed.), Chronik russischen Lebens, 277–278.
[84] Pipes, Struve: Liberal on the Right, 383 ff.
[85] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[86] Ivan Ilyin, “Zarubezhnyi s"yezd. Tezisy,” Novoe Vremia, Belgrade, April 14, 1926, Issue 1488, 2; “Rechʹ I. A. Ilʹina,” Vozrozhdeniie, Paris, April 10, 1926, Issue 312, 1.
[87] L.V. Bogatyreva and N. Bazanov, “Russkaia emigratsiia o grazhdanskoi voine 1917–1922 godov,” Vestnik RKHGA 19, No. 1 (2018): 23–31, 26, https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/Russkaia-emigratsiya-o-grazhdanskoy-voyne- 1917-1922-godov.
[88] Stéphanie Roulin, Un Credo Anticommuniste : La Commission Pro Deo de l’Entente Internationale Anticommuniste, Ou, La Dimension Religieuse d’un Combat Politique : 1924–1945 (Lausanne: Antipodes, 2010), 26, 30 ff.
[89] Roulin, Un Credo Anticommuniste, 36, 41.
[90] Roulin, Un Credo Anticommuniste, 31, 37.
[91] Roulin, Un Credo Anticommuniste, 41.
[92] “Pis’ma Il’ina I. A. Lodyzhenskomu Aleksandru Il’ichu. 2 Pis’ma. Chernoviki,” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/pisma-ilina-i-a- lodyzhenskomu-aleksandru-ilichu-2-pisma-chernoviki; “Pis’ma Il’ina I. A. Lodyzhenskim Aleksandru Il’ichu i Iuriiu Il’ichu. 5 Pisem. Kopii,” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/pisma-ilina-i-a- lodyzhenskim-aleksandru-ilichu-i-Iuriiyu-ilichu-5-pisem-kopii; “Pis’mo [Lodyzhenskogo Aleksandra Il’icha] Il’inu I. A.,” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/pismo-lodyzhenskogo- aleksandra-ilicha-ilinu-i-a.
[93] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 72.
[94] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 7.
[95] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 29.
[96] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 7.
[97] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 88.
[98] Lisitsa, Dnevnik, Pisma, Dokumenti, 551.
[99] Ivan Ilyin, “Belaia Ideia (Vmesto predisloviia),” in Beloe delo, Volume 1 (Berlin: Mednyi vsadnik, 1926), 7–15.
[100] V. G. Bortnevsky referenced in Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 72.
[101] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 88.
[102] “Okruzheniye: I. A. i N. N. Ilʹinykh,” Naslediie russkogo filosofa I. A. Ilʹina (1883– 1954), https://web.archive.org/web/20230407143641/http://www.nasledie-iljina.srcc.msu.ru/NIVC-site%20Iljina-FOTOALBOMY/fotoalbomy- okruzhenie.html.
[103] Arkady Stolypin [Arcady Stolypine], De l’empire à l’exil : mémoires (Albin Michel, 1996), 212. Document listing all the historical banks in France, Archives Nationales,https://web.archive.org/web/20161126131127/http://www.archivesnationales.culture.gouv.fr/camt/fr/egf/donnees_efg/65_AQ+206_AQ+2006_065M/65_AQ_INV.pdf.
[104] Naslediye russkogo filosofa I. A. Ilʹina, “Okruzheniye: I. A. i N. N. Ilʹinykh.”
[105] Stolypin, De l’empire à l’exil, 212.
[106] “3-138. Volkonskaia E. i Volkonskii V.G. Fotografiia s darstvennoi nadpisʹiu. - 1l.,” Nauchnaia biblioteka MGU, https://nbmgu.ru/pdf/?filename=F47/47-3-138.pdf. 48
[107] Ilyin, Dnevnik, Pisma, Dokumenti, 552.
[108] “The Trust (internal CIA study, completed ca. March 1969),” 10, in “Response to Arnold Beichman, Hoover Institution, regarding trust paper,” Central Intelligence Agency, https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/document/cia- rdp90g01353r001700020002-4.
[109] Lisitsa (ed.), Ilyin, Perepiska dvukh Ivanov (1927–1934), Vol. 1, 98.
[110] All issues of Russian Bell (1–9) are available online: https://vtoraya- literatura.com/razdel_2044_str_1.html.
[111] Iurii Lisitsa (ed.), Ivan Ilyin, Russkii Kolokol. Zhurnal volevoy idei (Мoscow: Pravoslavnyi Sviato-tikhonovskii Gumanitarnyi Universitet, 2008), 816.
[112] Peter, “Ivan Ilʹin i fashizm.”
[113] Ilyin, Russkii Kolokol, 816–817.
[114] Brent Mueggenberg, The Cossack Struggle against Communism, 1917–1945 (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Company, 2019), 248.
[115] Ilyin, Russkii Kolokol, 837.
[116] Russian State Archive for Social and Political History (ed.), The Vlasov Case: History of a Betrayal, 1945–1946, vol. 2 (Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag, 2020), 379.
[117] N. D. Karpov, Krym—Gallipoli— Balkany (Moscow: Russkii put’, 1998), 144–145.
[118] Ofer Fridman (ed.), Strategiia: The Foundations of the Russian Art of Strategy (London: C. Hurst & Co., 2021). (electronic version)
[119] Igor Petrov, “Otvechat’ v sude za unizhenie chesti i dostoinstva,” Igor Petrov (Blog), January 15, 2013, https://labas.livejournal.com/994997.html
[120] Lidiia Dovydenko, “Russkii filosof v Konigsberge,” Al’manakh “Russkii Mir”, No. 3 (February 23, 2010): 111–23, 123, http://almanax.russculture.ru/archives/1316; Constantine Belousow and Nicholas Arseniev et al., eds., Transactions of the Association of Russian-American Scholars in the USA, vol. X (New York: Association of Russian-American Scholars in the USA, 1976), 296, https://vtoraya-literatura.com/pdf/zapiski_russkoj_akademicheskoj_gruppy_v_usa_vol_10_1976__ ocr.pdf.
[121] “Tsurikov Nikolai Aleksandrovich,” Religioznye deiateli Russkogo Zarubezh’ia, http://zarubezhje.narod.ru/tya/ts_004.htm.
[122] H. Poltoratsky, “N. A. Tsurikov,” Dobrovolets, politika i literatura, No. 49–50, http://freiwillige.ru/h-a-curikov/.
[123] Ilyin, Russkii Kolokol, 836.
[124] Iuri Lisitsa, “Zhizn’ i deiatelʹnostʹ I. A. Ilʹina v emigratsii,” Russkoe zarubezh’e, No1, 2011, 131, https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/zhizn-i-deyatelnost-i-a-ilina-v- emigratsii.
[125] “Sergei Rachmaninoff Archive,” Library of Congress, 2015, https://findingaids.loc.gov/exist_collections/ead3pdf/music/2015/mu015003.pdf.
[126] Lisitsa, “Zhizn’ i deiatelʹnostʹ I. A. Il’ina,” 131.
[127] Statement by Iurii Lisitsa during a presentation on September 22, 2021. “Prezentatsiia dvukhtomnika trudov filosofa i publitsista Ivana Ilʹina proshla v Knizhnom klube ‘Dostoyevskii’,” Rossiskoe voenno-istoricheskoe obshchestvo, September 22, 2021, https://rvio.histrf.ru/activities/news/prezentaciya- dvuhtomnika-trudov-filosofa-i-publicista-ivana-ilina-proshla-v-knizhnom-klube- dostoevskij.
[128] “Pis’mo Sikorskoy Elizavety Il’inu I. A.,” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/pismo-sikorskoy- elizavety-ilinu-i-a; “Pis’ma Sikorskogo Igorya Ivanovicha Il’inu I. A. 4 Pis’ma,” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/pisma-sikorskogo- igorya-ivanovicha-ilinu-i-a-4-pisma. “Pisʹmo Ilʹina I. A. Sikorskomu Igoryu Ivanovichu,” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/pismo-ilina-i-a- sikorskomu-igoryu-ivanovichu.
[129] A. V. Seregin, “Soyuz russkikh gosudarevykh liudei v emigratsii i plany organizatsii Vesennego podkhoda v SSSR. Proekt I. I. Sikorskogo,” Rossiiskii gumanitarnyi zhurnal 4, No. 3 (2015): 187–97, 192 ff., https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/soyuz-russkih-gosudarevyh-lyudey-v-emigratsii-i- plany-organizatsii-vesennego-pohoda-v-sssr-proekt-i-i-sikorskogo.
[130] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 43.
[131] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 63.
[132] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 100.
[133] Schlögel (ed.), Chronik russischen Lebens, 353.
[134] Schlögel (ed.), Chronik russischen Lebens, 355.
[135] Schlögel (ed.), Chronik russischen Lebens, 373.
[136] Schlögel (ed.), Chronik russischen Lebens, 403.
[137] Johannes Baur, Die russische Kolonie in München 1900–1945: deutsch-russische Beziehungen im 20. Jahrhundert (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998), 300.
[138] M.V. Nazarov, “Russkii kolokol. Zhurnal volevoi idei,” Posev, No. 10, 1980, https://rusidea.org/7006.
[139] Central Intelligence Agency, “Russian Emigrant Organizations,” 7.
[140] “Leikhtenbergskiy Sergei Nikolaevich,” Narodno-Trudovogo Soiuza Rossiiskikh Solidaristov, May 31, 2013, http://ntsrs.ru/content/leyhtenbergskiy-sergey- nikolaevich. During WWII, S. N. von Leuchtenberg worked as an interpreter for the Nazi regime and then for the Americans, when they occupied Leipzig. After the war, Leuchtenberg emigrated to the US and became an instructor at a school for military interpreters in San Francisco, most likely the Defense Language Institute in Monterey.
[141] “Hitler in Power,” Za Rossiiu, 1933, quoted in Boris L. Dvinov, Politics of the Russian Emigration (Santa Monica, California: Rand Corporation, 1955), 117, https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/001233183.
[142] “While the emigration persisted in the time-worn debate monarchy versus the republic — life and contemporary events generated a new form of political life: the dictatorship [...] Dictatorship means to us strong authority, the only way in which a national revolution can be realized and a firm structure set u [...] We are opposed to the rule of parties and partisanship in politics.” Za Rossiiu, June 1933, quoted in Dvinov, Politics of the Russian Emigration, 118.
[143] “On June 25–27, 1930 in the small town of Saint-Julien, not far from Geneva, at the invitation of the secretary of the Russian section of the Anti-Communist League, A. I. Lodyzhensky (Aubert League), a preliminary congress of representatives of the unions from different countries was held with the aim of merging them into a common National Union of Russian Youth - NSRM. The congress was prepared by the Organizational Bureau in Paris. The participants of the congress in Saint-Julien were: from France - F.I. Bostrem, Prince Volkonsky, Bor. Koeppen, V. B. Kondratiev, Duke S. N. Leuchtenberg, B. I. Nedrigailo, Khudoshin, Petukhov, N. N. Ruzsky, N.V. Subbotin, Baron Ungern-Sternberg, Count N. D. Sheremetev, V. V. Jagiello; from Bulgaria - A. A. Brauner and M. I. Seliverstov; from Holland - V. S. Tregubov; from Germany - Duke D. G. Leuchtenberg; from Norway - Savabini; from Czechoslovakia - E.V. Kalikin; from Latvia - R. M. Zile; from Yugoslavia - V. D. Poremsky; from Switzerland - Prince K.A. Gorchakov. On June 27, the final meeting of the authorized representatives of the NSRM was held, which was attended by: Duke S. N. Leuchtenberg F. I. Bostrem, Khudoshin, E.V. Kalikin, A. A. Brauner, M. I. Seliverstov, V. D. Poremsky and V. S. Tregubov. A. A. Brauner was elected Chairman and V. D. Poremsky was elected Secretary. The meeting discussed the creation of the NSRM as a coherent organization, the location of its headquarters, and the general statutes. It was decided that the solution of these questions should be delegated to the congress of union leaders in Belgrade, which was held in Belgrade from July 1 to 5, 1930.” Boris Prianishnikoff, Novopoletsy (Silver Spring, Md.: 1986), 7–8.
[144] “3-98. Ilʹin I.A. i Zile R.M. Fotografiia. 1930. - 1l.,” Nauchnaia biblioteka MGU, www.nbmgu.ru/pdf/?filename=F47/47-3-098.pdf; Nasledie russkogo filosofa I. A. Ilʹina, “Okruzhenie: I. A. i N. N. Ilʹinykh.”
[145] Laura Pettinaroli, “Stéphanie Roulin : Un credo anticommuniste. La Commission Pro Deo de l’Entente internationale anticommuniste ou la dimension religieuse d’un combat politique (1924–1945) Lausanne, Antipodes, 2010, 517 ,” Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 69, No. 1 (March 13, 2014): 187–296, 276; Iurii (George) Lodyzhensky, Face au communisme (1905–1950): Quand Genève était le centre du movement anticommuniste international (Geneva: Slatkine, 2009), 422–423.
[146] Bishop Leonty (Bartoshevich), “Prisnopamiatnyi o. Sergey Orlov, Nastoiatel’’Zhenevskogo Khrama,” Tserkovnyi golos, December 25, 1955, https://web.archive.org/web/20201030143404/https://pisma08.livejournal.com/10507 9.html; Roulin, Un Credo Anticommuniste, 157.
[147] Marlene Laruelle et al., “Chapter 2: The White Russian Hub in France,” White Russians and the International Far Right, http://whiterussianshistory.org/white_france.
[148] Ivan Ilyin, “Beregite semʹyu,” Novyi put', Geneva, December 1932, Issue 10; Ivan Ilyin, “Dukhovnyi smysl nashego dela,” Novyi put', Geneva, January 1933, Issue 11.
[149] Swiss Federal Archives, “Iljin Iwan, 1883 (Dossiers),” Dokument 4, 39 (Attachment 3 to Ilyin’s application for residence).
[150] “I.A. Ilʹin. Lektsiia na zasedanii ekonomicheskogo Soveta Bazelʹskogo Soiuza narodnoi ekonomiki “Uber das Scheitern des Kommunismus in Russland an den Grundgesetzen des Wirtschaftslebens” (“O provale kommunizma v Rossii otnositelʹno osnovnykh ekonomicheskikh zakonov”),” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/i-a-ilin-lekciya-na- zasedanii-ekonomicheskogo-soveta-bazelskogo-soyuza-narodnoy-ekonomiki-uber- das-scheitern-des-kommunismus-in-russland-an-den-grundgesetzen-des- wirtschaftslebens-o-provale-kommunizma-v-rossii-otnositelno-osnovnyh- ekonomicheskih-zakonov.
[151] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 33.
[152] Ivan Ilyin, Iad bol'shevizma (Geneva: Borʹba za kulʹturu, 1931).
[153] Ivan Ilyin, “Zamok Zeon (Svetloi pamiati gertsoga Georgiia Nikolaevicha Likhtenbergskogo. Stikhotvorenie), Rossiia i slavianstvo, Paris, August 31, 1929, Issue 40, 2.
[154] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 183.
[155] O. V. Lisitsa, “Arkhiv I.A. Ilʹina v MGU: Istoriia peredachi arkhiva,” Nasledie russkogo filosofa I. A. Ilʹina (1883–1954), http://www.nasledie- iljina.srcc.msu.ru/arhiv-v-mgu/arhiv-v-mgu.html.
[156] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 123.
[157] M. S. Soloiyev, “Dolʹshe goda my zhdatʹ ne mozhem,” 35, quoted in Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 128.
[158] Y. Abyzova and T. Feigman, “Nepravyi sud nad pravovedom N. Iakobi,” in Baltiiskii arkhiv, vol. 4 (Riga: Daugava, 1999), 104–40, http://www.russkije.lv/ru/pub/read/jacoby-p/.
[159] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 128.
[160] “Roman Zile,” Latvijas Krievu kultūras mantojuma institūts, http://www.russkije.lv/ru/lib/read/r-zile.html.
Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 127.
[162] Bazanov, Bratstvo Russkoy Pravdy, 125.
[163] Latvijas Krievu kultūras mantojuma institūts, “Roman Zile.”
Ivan Ilyin, “Was ist Kulturbolschewismus,” Tag, Berlin, June 26, 1931, Vol 31, Issue 152, 1–2; Ivan Ilyin, “Bolschewismus als Psychose,” Tag, Berlin, January 17, 1932, Issue 15, 1–2.
[165] Ivan Ilyin, “Das kommende Rußland: Zusammenarbeit mit Deutschland - Der große Klärungsprozeß,”
Münchner Neueste Nachrichten
, Munich, December 7, 1926, No. 338; Ivan Ilyin “General Peter von Wrangell. Seinem Gedenken,” Münchner Neueste Nachrichten
, Munich, May 2, 1928, No. 120. See “I.A. Il’in. ‘Moi stat’i v nemetskikh gazetakh. No1,’” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/i-a-ilin-moi-stati-v- nemeckih-gazetah-no1.
[166] Ivan Ilyin and Josef Humar, Bericht über den 49. ordentl. Zentralverbandstag in Görlitz (öffentliche Tagung): mit Referaten Iwan Iljin: die Enteignung in Rußland und ihre Bedeutung für die Welt; Josef Humar: die Forderungen des deutschen Hausbesitzes an den neuen Reichstag
(Berlin: Zentralverband Deutscher Haus- und Grundbesitzervereine, 1928).
Ivan Ilyin, “Weltkrise der Eigentumsbewußtsein,”
utsche Bergwerkszeitung Vol. 29, Düsseldorf, August 14, 1928.
[168] Ivan Ilyin, Kommunismus Oder Privateigentum? Eine Problemstellung (Berlin: Verlagsanstalt d. Deutschen Hausbesitzes, 1929).
[169] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 48–50; Ivan Ilyin, “Die Leiden des russischen Bauern: Vortrag des ehemaligen russischen Professors Dr. Iljin auf der Vertreterversammlung des Brandenburgischen Jung-Landbundes am 22. Januar 1930,” Brandenburgische Landbund: Wochenzeitung, Berlin, January 2, 1930, No. 4, 1– 2.
[170] Schlögel (ed.),
Chronik russischen Lebens, 401.
[171] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 35.
[172] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 19.
[173] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 34.
[174] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 44, 46.
[175] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 47.
[176] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 55.
[177] “Iwan Iljin - Archivmaterialien aus dem Politischen Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands,” Iwan Iljin (internet project), https://web.archive.org/web/20221031112639/http://iljinru.tsygankov.ru/german/ar chiv/paaa_d.html.
[178] Iwan Iljin (internet project), “Iwan Iljin - Archivmaterialien.”
[179] “I.A. Ilʹin. Die Religionsverfolgung Im Sowjetstaate’ (‘Religioznye presledovaniia v Sovetskom gosudarstve’). Rech’ 23 fevralia 1930 g., Berlin. Spetsialʹnyi vypusk gazety ‘Lutherring’ (‘Kolʹtso Liutera’),” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/i-a-ilin-die- religionsverfolgung-im-sowjetstaate-religioznye-presledovaniya-v-sovetskom- gosudarstve-rech-23-fevralya-1930-g-berlin-specialnyy-vypusk-gazety-lutherring- kolco-lyutera.
[180] Iwan Iljin (internet project), “Iwan Iljin - Archivmaterialien.”
[181] “Pisʹmo Alvensleben, von Ilʹinu I. A. Na Blanke ‘Deutsche Bund Zum Schutz Der Abendlandischen Kultur’,” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/pismo-alvensleben-von- ilinu-i-a-na-blanke-deutsche-bund-zum-schutz-der-abendlandischen-kultur- nemeckiy-soyuz-zashchity-evropeyskoy-kultury.
[182] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 29.
[183] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 38–39.
[184] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 42.
[185] Voigt, “Otto Hoetzsch, Karl Stählin,” 277–278.
[186] Voigt, “Otto Hoetzsch, Karl Stählin,” 278.
[187] Peter, “Russischer Wissenschaftler im nachrevolutionären Exil In Deutschland,” 51, 53.
[188] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 45.
[189] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 53.
[190] Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,”, 51.
[191] Both, Wirth and Brüning, left Germany after the Nazis’ seizure of power, and emigrated to Switzerland and the US respectively. Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, “Ofitsialʹnye pisʹma,” 57.
[192] “Pis’mo Schwarzenberg Adolf k Knyazyu Shcherbatovu (Furst Scherbatof),” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/pismo-schwarzenberg- adolf-k-knyazyu-shcherbatovu-furst-scherbatof.
[193] Simon Unger-Alvi, “Public Criticism and Private Consent: Protestant Journalism between Theology and Nazism, 1920–1960,” Central European History 53, No. 1 (March 2020): 94–119, 98.
[194] Unger-Alvi, “Public Criticism and Private Consent,” 94.
[195] “I.A. Ilʹin. Proekt Pamiatnoi Zapiski ‘Uber Den Weiteren Ausbau Der Eckart- Verlag Begonnenen Arbeit’,” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/i-a-ilin-proekt-pamyatnoy-zapiski-uber-den-weiteren-ausbau-der-eckart-verlag-begonnenen- arbeit-o-dalneyshem-rasshirenii-raboty-nachatoy-v-izdatelstve-ekkarta.
[196] “Pisʹma ot berlinskogo izdatelʹstva ‘Eckart Verlag’, dogovory s Ilʹinym I. A. na izdaniia ego knig,” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/pisma-ot-berlinskogo- izdatelstva-eckart-verlag-dogovory-s-ilinym-i-a-na-izdaniya-ego-knig.
[197] Ivan Ilyin et al., Das Notbuch der russischen Christenheit (Berlin: Eckart-Verlag, 1930).
[198] Ivan Ilyin (ed.) et al., Welt vor dem Abgrund: Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur im kommunistischen Staate (Berlin: Eckart-Verlag 1931). Ilyin’s chapter is available online: https://archive.org/details/weltvordemabgrund.diearbeitsmethoden; Ivan Ilyin, Wider die Gottlosigkeit (Berlin: Eckart-Verlag, 1931); Ivan Ilyin, Gift, Geist und Wesen des Bolschewismus. Fortlaufende Abhandlungen über Wesen und Wirken des Bolschewismus (Berlin: Eckart-Verlag, 1932); Adolf Ehrt and Julius Schweickert (Ivan Ilyin), Die Entfesselung der Unterwelt (Berlin: Eckart-Verlag, 1932). Ilyin’s epilogue is available here: http://www.nbmgu.ru/pdf/?filename=F47/47-1-426.pdf.
[199] “1-331. I.A. Ilʹin. “Dritter Eckart-Abend" (Tretii vecher Ekkarta). - 20 l.,” Nauchnaia biblioteka MGU, https://nbmgu.ru/pdf/?filename=F47/47-1-331.pdf; “1- 330. I.A. Ilʹin. “Eckart-Abende,” Vechera Ekkarta. Rechʹ na pervom vechere. - 7 l.,” Nauchniya biblioteka MGU, https://nbmgu.ru/pdf/?filename=F47/47-1-330.pdf; “1- 332. I.A. Ilʹin. "Vierter Eckart-Abend" ("Chetvertyy vecher Ekkarta"). Konspekt rechi. - 5 l.,” Nauchnaia biblioteka MGU, https://nbmgu.ru/pdf/?filename=F47/47-1- 332.pdf; “I.A. Ilʹin. ‘Leitsatze Zur Bekampfung Des Bolschewismus. Von Prof. Dr. I. Iljin’ (Printsipy bor’by s bol’shevizmom),” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/i-a-ilin-leitsatze-zur- bekampfung-des-bolschewismus-von-prof-dr-i-iljin-principy-borby-s- bolshevizmom.
[200] There exists a picture of Ehrt in Ilyin’s archive dated to December, 1931 that says on the backside “Working with Ehrt on ‘Unleashing’ (Entfesselung), December 1931,” referring to their upcoming publication. See “3-65. Ert A. Fotografiya. 1931. - 1l.,” Nauchnaya Biblioteka MGU, www.nbmgu.ru/pdf/?filename=F47/47-3-065.pdf.
[201] Christian Tilitzki, Die deutsche Universitätsphilosophie in der Weimarer Republik und im Dritten Reich
(Volume 1 of 2) (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2002), 646.
[202] Martin Finkenberger, “Antikomintern,” in Wolfgang Benz (ed.), Handbuch des Antisemitismus: Judenfeindschaft in Geschichte und Gegenwart - Organisationen, Institutionen, Bewegungen, vol. 5 (Berlin: De Gruyter / Saur, 2012), 29.
[203] Iurii Lodyzhenskii, Ot Krasnogo Kresta k bor'be s Kommunisticheskim Internatsionalom (Moscow: Airis-Press, 2007), 437.
[204] Finkenberger, “Antikomintern,” 28–29; Bernt Engelmann, Das neue Schwarzbuch: Franz Josef Strauss (Köln: Kiepenheuer und Witsch, 1980), 166, https://archive.org/details/dasneueschwarzbu0000enge/page/166/.
[205] Engelmann, Das neue Schwarzbuch, 166.
[206] Lodyzhenskii, Ot Krasnogo Kresta, 437.
[207] Michael Fahlbusch, Ingo Haar, and Alexander Pinwinkler (eds.), Handbuch der völkischen Wissenschaften: Akteure, Netzwerke, Forschungsprogramme
, vol. 1 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017), 633; “Antikomintern (Gesamtverband deutscher antikommunistischer Vereinigungen) e. V.,” Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek, accessed November 15, 2022, http://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/item/4HX57RIOT7YWCTN7STB3VUXDWHU4CG7R.
[208] Klaus Körner, “Eberhard Taubert und der Nibelungen-Verlag,” Berlinische Monatsschrift, No. 12 (1997), 45, https://berlingeschichte.de/bms/bmstxt97/9712proh.htm.