[1] Order of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 5, 2004 No. PR- 1808; Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2005 No. MF-P44-1433; Iurii Luzhkov, Order dated September 1, 2005N 1696-“RPob okazanii sodeistviia v realizatsii kompleks meropriiatii po podgotovke k perezakhoroneniia ostankov generala A.I. Denikina I filosofa I.A. Ilʹina i ikh suprug v nekropole Donskogo monastyrya,” http://mosopen.ru/document/1696_rp_2005-09-01.
[2] Luzhkov, Order dated September 1, 2005.
[3] Tat’iana Ulanova, “Il’in den’,” Gazeta “Kul’tura,” April 9, 2013, https://pravoslavie.ru/60707.html. See also “Arkhiv filosofa Ivana Il’ina vykupil Viktor Veksel’berg,” Polit.Ru, May 29, 2006, https://polit.ru/news/2006/05/29/ilyin/.
[4] Verina, “O perezakhoroneni ostankov Generala AI Denikina i filosofa I.A. Il’ina;” “Sobytiia: Perezakhoronenie,” Nasledie Iliina, http://www.nasledie- iljina.srcc.msu.ru/NIVC-site%20Iljina-SOBYTIJA/sobytija.html. A stenogram of his speech is available at: “Epistle of His Eminence Metropolitan Laurus, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, on the Reburial of the Remains of General Anton I Denikin and Ivan A Ilyin,” News from the Dioceses, October 2, 2005, https://www.russianorthodoxchurch.ws/01newstucture/pagesen/news05/denikonp oslanie.htm.
[5] Evgenii Umerenkov, “Russkaia smuta nakonets zavershilasʹ” Komsomol’skaia pravda, September 30, 2005, https://www.kp.ru/daily/23587.4/45039/
[6] “Rossiiskaya delegatsiia vyletela v SShA i Shveitsariiu dlia uchastiia v perenesenii na rodinu ostankov A.I. Denikina i I.A. Ilʹina,” Pravoslavie.ru, September 28, 2005, http://www.pravoslavie.ru/news/050928112726.htm ; “The Delegation of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia Returns from Escorting the Remains of General Denikin and Ivan Ilyin,” News from the Dioceses, October 7, 2005, http://www.synod.com/01newstucture/pagesen/news05/denikininru.html ; “Prakh Denikina vernulsia v Rossiiu,” Lenta.ru, October 3, 2005, https://lenta.ru/articles/2005/10/03/denikin.
[7] “Prakh Denikina vernulsia v Rossiiu.”
[8] “Denisov Aleksei Grigor’evich,” Rus.Team, 2021, https://rus.team/people/denisov- aleksej-grigorevich.
[9] Verina, “O perezakhoroneni ostankov Generala A.I. Denikina i filosofa I.A. Il’ina.”
[10] “Arkhiv filosofa Il’ina dlia Rossii vykupil Viktor Veksel’berg;” “Novosti Pervogo kanala o vozvrashchennia arkhiva I. Il’ina,” YouTube video, 0:36, posted by “RFK- TV,” November 17, 2011, https://youtu.be/0w4DI4OkWg8.
[11] Putin’s visit can be seen in a short video at https://youtu.be/52_AvQk6crY.
[12] Boris Klin, “Arkhimandrit Tikhon: ‘Oni byli khristiane, bezzavetno sluzhivshie strane i narodu’,” Izvestiia (blog), May 26, 2009, https://iz.ru/news/348931.
[13] See Irina Papkova, “Saving the Third Rome: ‘Fall of the Empire,’ Byzantium and Putin’s Russia,” in Reconciling the Irreconcilable, ed. Irina Papkova, IWM Junior Visiting Fellowsʹ Conferences, Vol. 24 (Vienna, 2009),http://www.iwm.at/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=131&Itemid=1 25.
[14] Author’s observation, Moscow, June 2019.