[1] All digitized files from Ilyin’s archive at the Moscow State University are available here: “Fond No 47. Ilʹin Ivan Aleksandrovich (1883–1954),” Nauchnaia biblioteka MGU, https://nbmgu.ru/search/?q=*&cat=ILIN&p=8&s=TIT" \h. Material from Ilyin’s archive is also presented as a “special project” on the website of the Russian Ministry of Culture: “Spetsproekt Ivan Il’in: Izgnannik i patriot,” https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/.
[2] For a listing of archival material on Ilyin in Russia and Germany, see: “Iwan Iljin: Archivmaterialien,” Iwan Iljin (internet project), https://web.archive.org/web/20220321121801/http://iljinru.tsygankov.ru/german/ar chiv/index_arch.html. The website of the Ilyin “internet project” was online from 2001 to 2022. Its advisory board included several Ilyin specialists from Russia and the US (Philip T. Grier, Vladimir Isakov, Alexis Klimov, Alexander Korolkov, Iurii Lisitsa and Daniel Tsygankov). Ivan Ilyin’s dossiers at the Swiss Federal Archives: “Iljin Iwan, 1883 (Dossiers),” Reference code E4320B#1990/266#2840*, Swiss Federal Archives, https://www.recherche.bar.admin.ch/recherche/#/en/archive/unit/3599852; “Iljin, Iwan, 1883, Zollikon (Dossiers),” Reference code E2001D#1000/1553#5852*, Swiss Federal Archives, https://www.recherche.bar.admin.ch/recherche/#/en/archive/unit/1727611.
[3] For a detailed line of Ilyin’s ancestors see Iurii Lisitsa, “Kratkii biograficheskii ocherk,” Nasledie russkogo filosofa I. A. Ilʹina (1883–1954), https://web.archive.org/web/20201021123031/http://nasledie- iljina.srcc.msu.ru/NIVC-site%20Iljina-ZHIZNEOPISANIE/zhizneopisanie-k-b- o.html.
[4] Lisitsa, “Kratkiy biograficheskii ocherk.”
[5] “Spiski zhertv — Il’in Igor’ Aleksandrovich,” Zhertvy politicheskogo terrora v SSSR, https://base.memo.ru/person/show/2643014.
[6] Iurii Lisitsa (ed.), Ivan Ilyin, Pis’ma. Memuary (1939–1954) (Moscow: Russkaia Kniga, 1999), 352.
[7] Ilyin, Pis’ma. Memuary, 352.
[8] Daniel Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin: Biografie Und Übersicht Über Die Wissenschaftliche Und Literarische Tätigkeit,” Iwan Iljin (internet project), https://web.archive.org/web/20220322233820/http://iljinru.tsygankov.ru/german/bi ography_d.html.
[9] Ivan Ilyin, Ideal'noe gosudarstvo Platona v sviazi s ego filosofskim mirovozzreniem (84 pages, 1906). Referenced in Lisitsa, “Kratkii biograficheskii ocherk.”
[10] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[11] Lisitsa, “Kratkii biograficheskii ocherk.”
[12] Struve, Berdyaev, and Bulgakov were former Marxists who in the early 1900s made a turn towards Russian Orthodoxy and the Right. They saw their political aims not fulfilled in the 1905 revolution. As formulated in the publication Vekhi (Landmarks) from 1909, to which Struve, Berdyaev, Bulgakov and Frank, contributed, they vouched for making religion the foundation of a new Russian state. Nikolai Berdyaev (ed.), Vekhi - Landmarks: A Collection Of Articles About The Russian Intelligentsia (Armonk, New York & London: M. E. Sharpe, 1994), http://archive.org/details/BerdiaevNikolaiVekhiLandmarksACollectionOfArticlesA boutTheRussianIntelligentsia.
[13] Iurii Lisitsa (ed.), Ivan Ilyin, Put' dukhovnogo obnovleniia. Osnovy khristianskoy kul'tury. Krizis bezbozhiia (Moscow: Russkaia kniga, 1996), 9–10.
[14] Ilyin, Put' dukhovnogo obnovleniia, 9.
[15] N. Ivanov, Iz russkoi stariny. Bunt Sten'ki Razina (Moscow: Knigoizdatelʹstvo «Trud i Volia», 1906); N. Ivanov, Chto takoye politicheskaia partiia (Moscow: Knigoizdatelʹstvo «Trud i Volia», 1906); N. Ivanov, Svoboda sobranii i narodnoe predstavitel'stvo (Moscow: Knigoizdatelʹstvo «Trud i Volia», 1906).
[16] Liubov Gurevich quoted in Ilyin, Put' dukhovnogo obnovleniia, 9.
[17] Stanley J. Rabinowitz, “No Room of Her Own: The Early Life and Career of Liubov’ Gurevich,” The Russian Review 57 (April 1998): 236–252, 236.
[18] The correspondence between Ilyin and Gurevich is available in Iurii Lisitsa (ed.), Ivan Ilyin, Dnevnik, Pisma, Dokumenti (1903–1938) (Moscow: Russkaia kniga, 1999).
[19] Lisitsa, “Kratkii biograficheskii ocherk.”
[20] Rabinowitz, “No Room of Her Own,” 246, 251.
[21] E. Kozmina (ed.), “Gurevich, Liubov Iakovlevna,” in Bio-i slovar' russkikh pisateley XX veka (Moscow, 1928), 112–114, https://viewer.rsl.ru/ru/rsl01000870281?page=120&rotate=0&theme=white.
[22] “Personenverzeichnis: Vokatsch-Iljina, Natalia Nikolaevna” Iwan Iljin (internet project), https://web.archive.org/web/20221005165922/http://iljinru.tsygankov.ru/german/go /persons.html#V.
[23] Lisitsa, “Kratkii biograficheskii ocherk.”
[24] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[25] Ilyin worked on six unpublished essays between 1906 and 1909: Uchenie Shellinga ob absoliutnom; Ideia konkretnogo i abstraktnogo v teorii poznaniia Gegelia; Ideia obshchei voli u Zhan-Zhaka Russo; Metafizicheskie osnovy ucheniia Aristotelia o Doulos Fysei; Problema metoda v sovremennoi iurisprudentsii. Referenced in Iurii Lisitsa (ed.), Ivan Ilyin, Kto my. O revoliutsii. O religioznom krizise nashikh dnei (Moscow: Russkaia Kniga, 2001), 244.
[26] Lisitsa, “Kratkii biograficheskii ocherk.”
[27] “Ivan Aleksandrovich Il’in: Materialy iz Rossiiskogo Gosudarstvennogo Istoricheskogo Arkhiva,” Iwan Iljin (internet project), https://web.archive.org/web/20220321121826/http://iljinru.tsygankov.ru/archiv/rgia .html. Rudolf Stammler was mainly known for his publication “Economy and Law” in which he stipulated that the economy constitutes the matter of social life, while law represents its form. During the Nazi era, Stammler became a member of the Committee for Legal Philosophy of the Academy for German Law founded by Hans Frank, which was tasked with the nazification of the German law. Among the founding members of the Committee were also Martin Heidegger, Carl Schmitt and Alfred Rosenberg.
[28] Ivan Ilyin, “Rudolʹf Shtammler: Khoziaistvo i pravo s tochki zreniia materialisticheskogo ponimaniia istorii,” Kriticheskoe Obozrenie, Issue IV, Moscow, 1907, 56–61.
[29] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[30] Discours sur les sciences et les arts (1751) and Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inégalité parmi les hommes (1755). Referenced in Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[31] Referenced in Nasledie russkogo filosofa I. A. Il’ina, “Bibliografiia: Otdel’nye izdaniia I. A. Il’ina.”
[32] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[33] Lisitsa, “Kratkii biograficheskii ocherk.”
[34] Ivan Ilyin, “Poniatiia prava i sily: opyt metodologicheskogo analiza,” Voprosy filosofii i psychologii, Vol. 101(1), No. 21, Moscow, January / February 1910, 1–38.
[35] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[36] Pavel Novgorotsev, “Instruktsiia I. A. Iliinu ot 22.10.1909,” Russian State Historical Archive, Fond 733, Dir. 153, File 376, quoted in Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[37] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[38] Lisitsa, “Kratkii biograficheskii ocherk.” The author could not locate this correspondence.
[39] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[40] Ivan Ilyin, “Ideia lichnosti v uchenii Shtirnera. Opyt po istorii individualizma,” Voprosy filosofii i psikhologii, Moscow, January/February 1911, Vol. 106 (1), 55–93; Ivan Ilyin “Die Begriffe von Recht und Kraft,” Archiv für systematische Philosophie, Berlin, 1912, Volume 18, Issue 1, 63–88; Ibid., Issue 2, 125–144.
[41] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[42] Richard Pipes, Struve: Liberal on the Right, 1905–1944 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1980), 161.
[43] Aleksej A. Gaponenkov, “ B. Stryuve - redaktor zhurnala Russkaia myslʹ (1907– 1918),” Cahiers du Monde Russe 37, No. 4 (1996): 505–13, 505, https://www.persee.fr/doc/cmr_1252-6576_1996_num_37_4_2478. Kizevetter was expelled from Russia in 1922, alongside Ilyin, and the two worked together at the Russian Scientific Institute.
[44] Gaponenkov, “ B. Stryuve,” 506–507.
[45] Ivan Ilyin, “Osnovnoe nravstvennoe protivorechie voiny,” Voprosy filosofii i psikhologii, Moscow, 1914, Vol. 125 (5), No. 25, 797–826; Ivan Ilyin, Dukhovnyi smysl voiny (Moscow: I. D. Sytina, 1915).
[46] Ivan Ilyin, “Filosofiia kak dukhovnoe delanie,” Russkaia mysl', Moscow, 1915, Issue 36, 112–128.
[47] I. A. Ilyin, V. M. Ustinov, I. B. Novitsky and M. N. Gernet, Obshchee uchenie o prave i gosudarstve / Osnovy zakonovedeniia. Chast' I (Moscow: Izd-vo tovarishchestva «V.V. Dumnov, nasled. br. Salaievykh», 1915); Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[48] Evgeniya Gerzyk, Vospominaniia (Paris, 1973), 154, quoted in Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[49] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin;” Lisitsa, “Kratkii biograficheskii ocherk.”
[50] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[51] “I.A. Ilʹin. Pisʹma k N.K. i A.M. Metneram v shutochnykh stikhakh i proze [1915– 1947],” Spetsproekt Ivan Ilʹin, https://www.culture.ru/catalog/archiv_ilina/ru/item/book/i-a-ilin-pisma-k-n-k-i-a- m-metneram-v-shutochnyh-stihah-i-proze; “Ivan Il’in Papers Detailed Box by Box Description,” Michigan State University, https://web.archive.org/web/20070812021435/http://www.lib.msu.edu/coll/main/sp ec_col/writer/ilin/ilinnew.htm.
[52] Magnus Ljunggren, “Emilii Metner v zhizni i snovideniiakh (dve zametki k teme),” Russian Literature, vol. 77, no. 4 (May 15, 2015): 409–17, 412–414.
[53] Ljunggren, “Emiliy Metner,” 413.
[54] Magnus Ljunggren, The Russian Mephisto: A Study of the Life and Work of Emilii Medtner (Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell International, 1994), 121–122.
[55] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin”; “2-2. I. Ilʹin. Avtobiografiia. 1941. (Iljin I. Curriculum Vitae). - 12l.,” Nauchnaia biblioteka MGU, https://nbmgu.ru/pdf/?filename=F47/47- 2-002.pdf.
[56] Nasledie russkogo filosofa I. A. Il’ina, “Bibliografiia: Otdel’nye izdaniya I. A. Il’ina.”
[57] Referenced in Nasledie russkogo filosofa I. A. Il’ina, “Bibliografiia: Otdel’nye izdaniya I. A. Il’ina.” Ilyin used the pseudonyms Justus and Peter Justus (“stone of justice”) frequently. See: Lisitsa, “Kratkii biograficheskii ocherk.”
[58] I. L. [pseudonym of Ivan Ilyin], “Ushedshim pobediteliam,” Russkie vedomosti, No. 249, Moscow, November 1917.
[59] Ivan Ilyin, “O patriotizme,” in Iurii Lisitsa (ed.), Ivan Ilyin, Spravedlivost' ili ravenstvo (Moscow: Pravoslavnyi Sviato-tikhonovskii Gumanitarnyi Universitet, 2006), 353 ff.
[60] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[61] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin,” referencing Dimitrij Tschizhevski (ed.), Hegel bei den Slaven (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1961), 360–368.
[62] Ivan Ilyin, Filosofiia Gegelia kak uchenie o konkretnosti Boga i cheloveka (2 volumes) (Moscow: Ed. G.A. Lemana i S.I. Sakharova, 1918); Ivan Ilyin, Uchenie o pravosoznanii (1919, unpublished).
[63] Nauchnaia biblioteka MGU, “2-2. I. Ilʹin. Avtobiografiia. 1941.”
[64] L. N. Zhdan, “Moskovskoe psikhologicheskoe obshchestvo (1885–1922),” Voprosy psikhologii, No. 4 (March 1995): 82–92, 86, http://www.voppsy.ru/issues/1995/954/954082.htm.
[65] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”
[66] Lisitsa, “Kratkii biograficheskii ocherk.”
[67] Vladimir Bari was the son of the American merchant Alexander Veniaminovich Bari, owner of a large construction firm in Russia which was involved in large-scale industrial projects, such as railroads and pipelines. His company ‘Bari, Sytenko and Co’ was also engaged in oil production in Grozny and Baku—projects managed by the famous Ludvig Nobel. After his father’s death in 1913, Vladimir Bari inherited the firm. During the October Revolution, he sided against the Bolsheviks and headed an organization that helped officers cross over to the South to join the Volunteer Army. He was arrested by the Bolsheviks for the alleged financing of the Volunteer Army, but managed to escape from Moscow to the United States. See Anastasia Solovieva, “Miasnitskaia, 20,” HSE University, https://www.hse.ru/fundament/myas20/; A. B. Efimov, G. B. Efimov, and M. V. Efimova, “Ivan Aleksandrovich Il’in i sem’ia A.V. Bari: Vstrechi v nachale 20ogo veka,” Gumanitarnoe prostranstvo 9, No. 6 (2020): 785–97.
[68] “Rossiisko-amerikanskiye siuzhety,” Khroniki tretʹego tysiacheletiia (Blog), July 16, 2011, https://alliruk.livejournal.com/406561.html; “Vrag vsego trudiashchegosia chelovechestva,” Grazhdanskaia voina v Rossii (Blog), July 3, 2013, https://abc1918.livejournal.com/77376.html.
[69] “Vladimir Alexandrovich Bari,” Geni, https://www.geni.com/people/%D0%92%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0% BC%D0%B8%D1%80-%D0%91%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8/6000000034137795204.
[70] Iurii Lisitsa, “Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin,” Chronos, http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/bio_i/ilin2ia.php.
[71] Lisitsa, “Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin.”
[72] Lisitsa, “Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin”; V.N. Khaustov, “Takticheskii tsentr,” Bolʹshaia rossiiskaia entsiklopediia, https://web.archive.org/web/20221006013315/https://bigenc.ru/domestic_history/tex t/4180153.
[73] Tsygankov, “Iwan Iljin.”